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Helping you make changes for the better
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How Therapy/Life Coaching works


We all have areas of our lives where something is not working to it's full potential.  Therapy takes you out of the victim role and helps you to discover how you operate and why you repeat these bad patterns over and over.

Therapy Sessions, Art Therapy, Dream work & Play therapy


These are just ways to access our own process. Much of what robs us of our potential is deeply hidden. Therapy sessions, play, art and dream work can help to bring these mental processes to the forefront, allowing us to work through them and lessen or eliminate their impact on our lives.  

Conflict & Dispute Resolution


Dispute resolution is a growing concern for businesses small and large. Enlisting an unbiased professional for the process ensures each of the parties feel their positions are heard and understood. This creates the solid ground necessary to move forward towards an agreement when situations become stagnant by emotionally charged conflicts. 


Disputes with neighbours, family and even friends can be simplified through this process, allowing everyone to come away with their emotions intact.





Results & Recovery


Weight gain, drinking, drug misuse, miscommunications with family, friends or co-workers, depression, inability to succeed, anxiety and anger issues are all just patterns we collect in life, that served us for a time, but can become destructive and unproductive. What's not working in your life? What patterns are being repeated that keep you from having a more satisfying life.

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